Ida County Pioneer Record from Ida Grove, Iowa (2024)

Classification Available Punetloni NoUetc Cards of Thanks Wanted to Buy Food Items Top 8sle Lost and Found Food A Seed Help Wsnted CstUe Position Wsnted Hoge Wsnted to Rent 16 Poultry Rentals Machinery Real Estate Services 10 Automotive Opportunities 2 -Cards of Thanks Our heartfelt thanks to ail who extended comforting sympathy and help in our recent sorrow. For the beautiful service, floral offerings and other kindnesses, we are deeply grateful. The Mrs. Mary Leopold Family 5 -Help Wauled WANTED Single man for spring ana summer wotje. vewayoe ker, Phone 30F05, Ida Grove.

10 Automotive FOR SALE Power glide Chevrolet, radio, beater, plastic seat covers, snow tires Good Condition. Morris Hasbrouck, Morse Larsen Apts. Ida Grove. 46-lp 13 -For Sale Oh irks. Get our tower Drices be fore getting your chicks.

Straight breeds or crossbreeds. Pullets or straight run. Day ow or startea. Can arramre terms. Order now.

Odebolt Hatcherv. Odebolt. Iowa. When You Think of Drugs Think of 39-18 NOW, Wean Pigs at 3 to 5 weefes of on Ames 'Reliable Sugared PreWeaner. 42-tf FOR SALE 1951 Kollahome 26 it.

modem trailer House, William O. Jensen. Phone 20F14. Battle Creek. 46-2p FOR SALE Ewes with lamb.

Leslie Johnson. Phone 30F31, ma Grove 46-lp FOR SALE 14 ft. International Phone 207 W. Mrs Andrew Clark. 46-1 13a-Feed Seed FOR 1000 bu.

Branch seed oats. Germination 97 Purity 99.9 test wt. 37 lbs. Also 1000 bu. Cherokee seed oats.

Germ. 98, purity 99.8 test wt. 36 lbs. Ames tested Ervin Stamp, Holstein. 45-t2p See 1MB for Liquid Fertilizer and application.

No extra equipment to buy. Use your weed sprayer. Non-Corrosive. Iowa Master Breeders. Ph.

225. 43-tf Pure 82-0-0 anhydrous ammonia. We are now booking for April, May, June 1955 at 6c per pound. Delivered up to 110 miles for cent per pound. Applicators and tanks at small rental Dealers and agents wanted.

Farmers Plant Food Distributors, Wortbington, Minn. FOR SALE Cleaned uncertified Clintland seed oats in new bags. $1.60 per bushel and certified Clintafe seed oats in bulk. $1.50 per bushel. David Brueck, Phone spm.

Battle Creek- 43-8 FARM SEEDS Seed oats. Cherokee, Nemaha, Clinton, Clintafe. foundation seed stock. Bonham tied seed, germination. Nice good oat to sow in 1955.

Depend- that yields 100 bushels per corn companies buy it in bushel lots. Priced $7.00 to $9.00 i i i QsoH trarms. Inwa. 46-tf 17 -Machinery FOR SALE Craftsman 11 inch jig saw with built in motor. $10.00.

Liou ana fienry ruauijcu. WANTED 2 wheel trailer. See Ernest Brenden at Pioneer Record or iooj. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Notice is hereby given that the unaersignea and qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Ejner Rasmussen, late of Ida County, Iowa, deceased. persons in any manner m--debted to said Estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims against the Estate will file them with the -Clerk of the District Court of Ida County Iowa, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance.

Dated February 28, 1955. Ernest Sahl Administratot John E. White, Attorney for Adm. 4B-3 15 -Hogs FOR SALE 70 head of Purebred Duroc gilts. They will farrow in February, March 'and April.

See uwm ai ram ani muea souw ana miles east of Arthur. Kiron phone 15-1X. J. B. Samuelson.

36-tf FOB SALE 25 Black China gilts, aue larrow laie marcn ana early. Aoril. Larse lenethr well frown gilts bred to son of Royal Revenue and Western Gold. Can be seen at farm 7 miles northwest Ida Grove. Iowa.

Milton Kohlf. Phone 3121 or Robert Rohlf, Phone 26F23. I Services Straw stacks to bale on share. Jack Beck, Battle Creek, Phone 23F05. 45-3p Septic tanks, we deliver and install Egyptian Concrete Vault Lake View, Phone 36.

43-52p LOANS TO 3300.00 Twenty months to repay. Furniture, Automobiles Livestock accepted as security PETERS Implement Co. Ida Grove, Iowa Phone 496 27-tf WRECKS REBUILT, carg re-nainted. dents removed. Body Shop.

11-tf NOTICE MY SHOE REPAIR SHOP LOCATED AT MY HOME 5 BLOCKS SOUTH and BLOCKS WEST OF THE COUNCIL OAK STORE JOHN MAKI8 35-tf 19 -Opportunities LIFE INSURANCE is something that young men can best afford but old men most appreciate. JOHN T. SHERK Phone 117 Ida Grove WANTED Male and Female heln. Booming business makes opening available for responsible man or woman witn car to can on xaxm women in Ida county. Full or spare time, upponuniry to maxe a day.

Write McNess Company, 120 E. Clark St, Freeport, HI. 46-2p OFFICIAL PUBLICATION NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Countv Auditor. Ida County, Ida Grove, Iowa, un- o'clock a. iwaren latn, 1955.

for the construction of a parking area adjacent to the county court House, Ida urove, Iowa. Plans and quantities for the oroDosed work may be seen or secured at the office of the County Enemeer. A certified or cashier's check for of bid must accompany all bids. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of ervisors.

Ethel H. Smith, Auditor County, Iowa 45-3 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF CORPORATION OF IDA GROVE HOTEL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a duly convened meeting of stockholders held January 29, 1955, the articles of incorporation of Ida Grove Hotel Company were amended so that Article thereof now reads and shall exist as fol- This corporation commenced its corporate existence on the 21st day of June 1916 and its corporate Bruce M. Snell, Secretary 44-4 period as fixed by its original articles of incorporation expired, but has been extended for a period of 20 years from June 21, 1938, at which time it shall expire unless it be sooner liquidated or dissolved which may be done at any time upon a vote of not less than the holders of of the outstand ing shares of common stock as snown oy ine men corporate records. IDA GROVE HOTEL COMPANY O. J.

Rohwer. Presiden: 45-4 Markets. (Quotations for March 1) Eggs 32c Sweet Cream 39c No. 1 Cream 57c No. Cream 35c Hens 13c Roosters 7c Springs 8c OFFICIAL PUBLICATION NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals for the erection and completion of an Elementary School Building in Ida Grove, Iowa, will be received by the Independent School District of Ida Grove, Iowa, in the Superintendent's Office in the High School Building in Ida Grove, Iowa, at 2:00 o'clock P.

M. March 23 1955, at which time and place all bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud. All bids submitted shall be made on the printed form attached to and made a part of the proposed contract documents. Bids shall be submitted according to the following listed classifications: 1. General Construction.

2. Plumbing, Heating and Ventilating Construction. 3. Electric Wiring Construction. Bids shall be addressed and delivered to the Secretary of the RnarH of Directors in sealed en velopes marKed with me name oi the bidder and the classification of the work bid upon.

The contract documents are on file at the office of the Secretary of the Board of Directors in Ida Grove, Iowa, and the office of Karl Keffer Associates, 202 Masonic Temple, Des Moines, Iowa, and may be secured by contractors from Architect on or after the 2nd day of March, f-harartter and amount of security to be submitted by bid ders is stated in me propusea contract documents. Work on the project shall commence on or before April 1st, 1955 and shall be completed by September 1st, 1956. No bidder may withdraw his bid lor at least twenty days after the scheduled closing time receipt of bids. By virtue of statutory authority, a preference will be given to products and provisions grown and coal produced within the State of Iowa- After the bids are opened and examined by the Board of Directors, said Board may by resolution declare who is the lowest bidder, and may defer the award of said contract pending necessary details. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids received and to waive informalities in bids.

Dated at Ida Grove, Iowa, this 26th day of February, 1955. BY THE ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, Ida Grove, Iowa. C. C. Rasmussen, President Board of Directors Arlo D.

Berg, Secretary Board of Directors 46-2 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND FORM OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION up tutwtn tirv SCHOOL BUILDING. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Public notice is nereoy givei that at 1:45 o'clock P. M. oi 23rd. 1955.

at the Superin tendent's Office in the High School Building in Ida Grove, Ida county, QtatA nf inva there will be con ducted a hearing on the proposed plans and specifications, proposed form of contract which have adonted bv the Board of Directors of the Independent School District of Ida lowa, for the followinz improvements, the estimated cost of which is not to exceed Two Hundred Thirty- live Thousand ana no iuu The work consists of the con struction of an Elementary School Building in icsa lowa. At said hearing any persons in mav and offer or al or written objections to the proposed plans, specifications, con tract lorm or cosi oi sucn mi YOU I km Verne S. Campbell Ida Grove i.inmii'i.'.imrni 26th day of February, A. D. 1955.

BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF IDA GROVE, IOWA. c. Rasmussen, President Board of Directors Arlo D. Berg, Secretary Board of Directors 46-1 CUSHING By Mlea Alice Mr and Mrs Vernon Dau gave a family dinner Tuesday evening, honoring Mr and Mrs Herbert Goettsch of Holstein, whose tenth wedding anniversary was on Sunday and Mr and Mrs Robert Hahn of -Quimby, who were married Friday. The two ladies are sisters' of Mr Dau.

Other guests were the uoettscn cniiaren, oar ana mrs Herman Dau, Mrs Bertha Dau and Raymond, Mr and Mrs Clarence Dau ana tieanor noi-stein and Mr and Mrs Leslie Dau of Paullina. Mrs Katherine Ryan of Sioux! City who has been staying with; her sister-in-law and niece, Mrs Josie Camarigg and Elsa for a few weeks, spent Sunday in town with her brother and his wife, Mr and Mrs Henry Mr Camarigg who had a stroke' some weeks ago, is somewhat improved. 1 Mr and Mrs Howard Henderson and family and Mrs Mary Beers of Correctionville, were guests of Mr and Mrs Bert Etler for dinner and lunch Sunday. Mr and Mrs Alfred Grefe spent Friday evening in the Gus Schmidt nome at HOistein and on Sunday evening they joined about 30 other people in surprising Otto Miller at Holstein in honor of hi3 birthday. Mr and Mrs Verle Law and Roxann and Mr and Mrs Wm.

Law and Michael were guests of Mr and Mrs Clifford uw ana Maxme for dinner Sunday, in honor of Roxann who was one year old that day. Mr and Mrs Junior Law and Randy of Quimby, also were vis itors in xne aiternoon. Mr and Mrs Albert Dau, Mr and Mrs Wm. Schroeder. -Leona Dau and Hazel Schroeder of Davenport spent Saturday afternoon at the Vernon Dau home.

Dale Burns entered St. Joseph hosnital in Sioux City. Friday eve ning for observation. Mrs Burns Lennox Furnaces We have a good supply of Plumbing fixtures Pipes Fittings All Week Guaranteed Lee Thornburg Plumbing Heating LICENSED PLUMBER Phone 114 Ida Grove, la. called on her husband Tuesday afternoon.

Mr and Mrs James McGuire spent Sunday at Dun combe with Mrs McGuire's mother, Mrs Thecla Wingert. Guests for dinner and lunch at the Lloyd Todd home Sunday, were Mr and Mrs Andy Martin and Gloria. Mr and Mrs Eugene Baker and Stevie, Mr and Mrs Leon Harrison, Mr and Mrs Bob Wiegert, Mr and Mrs Lester Wright and Debbie and Mr and Mrs James Martin, all from Correctionville. Mr and Mrs Allan Grefe and David of Sioux City were guests of Mr Grefe's parents, Mr and Mrs Alfred Grefe Sunday. Mr and Mrs Vernon Dau attended the wedding of Mr Dau's sister, Mary Dau of Holstein and Robert Hahn of Quimby, Friday evening at the Lutheran church in Holstein.

Many Visitors in Henry Heyer Home The following people called at the Henry Heyer home at various times last week to see Vergil Allen, baby son of Mr and Mrs Vergil Heyer: Mrs Laura Luse, Mr and Mrs John Hayes and family, Mr and Mrs Arthur Droegmiller and Mrs Donald Joy of Corectionville Ed Neal and Mr and Mrs Chester Neal and family of Lawton, Randy Law of Quimby, Mrs Clifford Law, Mrs Wm. Law and Michael, Mr and Mrs Raymond Groom. Mrs Paul Hunwardsen and Peggy, Mr and Mrs Ted Stoltenberg and Robert, Mr and Mrs Verle T. Law and Roxann and Frank Hummel, kits oi uorrecuonvme is i ffreat erandmothor nT Vertfil Al len. Mrs Josie Caraanu and Elsa entertained relatives at dinner Sunday in observance of' Mrs Camarigg's birthday which was on Saturday.

Those present were Mr and Mrs Chris Camarigg and grandchildren, Shari and Terry Camarigg of Sheldon, Mrs Lyle Langholz and children of Prim-ghar, Mr and Mrs Alvin Camarigg of LeMars and Mr and Mrs Arlan Goettsch and children and Mr and Mm Blaine Camariae of Holstein Many other relatives visited at the camarigg nome in me arxernoon. Mr and Mrs Elery Kerns of Washta, came Monday and took the latter's mother, Mrs O. F. Parker to visit her sister, Mrs Charles Kissinger at Washta. THE FRANK SCOTT COMM.

CO. Stock Yards In Sioux Oty Iowa's Only Public Livestock Market Where Every Customer Is Important Start Pigs On Simonsen Pig Starter Very Tasty $5.10 Per Cwt Chester Hanson Qafanbr or call Ronald CourtriahL Ida Phone 186 LIVESTOCK DEALERS Order buyers for truck or car loads of fat hogs, fat cattle and stock cattle. FOR BIDS CALL Sale Barn 620 Residence No. 5 John Mcintosh Son, Norman Mcintosh 49-tf DEAD ANIMALS WANTED CALL IDA GROVE Phone 123 OR ARTHUR OPERATOR Valley Rendering Co. March 3.

Ida Oountr FIomw Braid Ua Gmt. It Woild cost you almost $60.00 in postage and printing to mail a Postal Card to each subscriber of this newspaper but yon can place a classified on this page and roach them all lor only 50c! Phone No. 6 Sell Hogs Livestock Machinery A 50c WANT AD OFTEN TURNS $1400 DEALS! Cushing Mom Hurt in Auto Accident Mr and Mrs Louis Grell, Russell, Terry, Eddie Putensen and Franklin Hardens went to Sioux City Monday to see. Bert Skare who is hospitalized there since he was injured in an automooue accident Saturday mornina. Mr Skare un derwent an operation Monday for setting a oroxen anxie ana Grell and Mr Terry stayed with him that night.

Mr Skare's brother. Dr. Ernest Skare of Montezuma and brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Robertson of Waterloo were with him Saturday and Sun day. JUST THE CHECKER to Sell What You Don't Want A DISPLAY CLASSIFIED Battle Creek Grain Elevator has 10,000 new eon a baud. $1.38 per bu.

Old Corn $1.50 per bushel ft. L. UhL R. Friedrichsen, Mgr. 3S4 Enjoy IPS Carefree Gas Service No gas to order No service interruptions No bother Costs Less, too.

IOWA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY WatsnpcB? KmbmI Bouuunitod IB use. ft brashes bb smooauy and evenly and retains lbs bIbJb tnslnr tot GODBERSEN-SMITH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Professional and Business Cards Etwoed H. Hellman, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 8 JOHN B.

DRE8SLER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 421 Residence Phone 432 OR. T. MORRELLE HOULIHAN DENTIST Main Street Office Phone 9 Res.

Phone 99 LOUIE OAHMS INSURANCE AGENCY INSURANCE LOANS Phone 456 Ida Grove EUGENE ALVIN Real Estate Broker Federal Land Bank Loans R. A. BOATMAN Real Estate Broker Farm and City Loans Farm and City Bales Phone 33 JOHN T. SHERK Chartered Life Underwriter EQUITABLE LIFE OF IOWA Office 508 Court Phone 177 Ida Grove D. D.

CONGER District Supervisor BANKERS LIFE COMPANY "Service with a Smile" Phone 88 Ida Grove DR. E. A. 8WANKE Optometrist Ida Grove, Iowa IDA COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Louie Owner Phone 456 Ida Grove DR. LEO V.

SAM80N Dental Surgeon Ida Grove. Iowa Office' Phone 43 Phona 108 DR. ROGER G. FELDMAN Veterinarian Ida Grove Phone 640 TELEVISION PARLOR Sales Service Installation Dick Monfort Jim Lindsay Phone 171 Ida Grove BUB SCHEDULES Greyhound Northbound Southbound 1030 A. M.

830 A. M. 11:30 P. M. Algona Ltnea Eastbound Westbound 720 P.

M. 10:45 A. M. everyday except Sunday 1:45 P. M.

on Sunday Yen Dsaf NbW CssnTBlvy IBS Tlllff Schug's Firestone FAMOUS SINCLAIR PINNSYLVANIA MOTOR OIL c*ms- Wear Whh SINCLAIR Ida Grove Oil Co. Ida Grove. Iowa.

Ida County Pioneer Record from Ida Grove, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.