Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

-r Des Moines Tribune Paae 1 7 uesdc.y rrices wi. Oct 19. Stocks Push New York Stocks i Minute Geiger Counters Used In Cancer War Furnished bv C. Henorson Inc. Tues.

2 00 Prev Higher (Quotatloni furnished bv T. C. Henderson Inc Hiah Low LDT Close tl't 8 68' DOW JONES 5 P. I (E. D.

48 48'. 48- f.H Toes. Nonn CDT 1 14' 1 18'. ES STOCK AVERA GE Air Reduction Allied Chemical Allied Store? Allis-Chalrnprs Alum Ltd Alcoa Open Corn Dec. 1 14'4 Mar.

1 I8'4 3 73 or 0 19" 8'. 291, 29 ATLANTIC CITY, X. J. (APo Development of the world's Indus. 949.57 RkiIs J33.52 Utils.

15490 1.18 i.jri 1 27'. 1 14 1 18 1 20'4 1 22' 4 0 45 or 0.19 4 0 09 or 0 OS or 0 17" 87'4 30'. 29'. 70' 61 1 S9--. 56.

30' 29'. 71'4 62'. ftO' a 57'. 69't Ma 60'. July 1 2I' 1 22'4 Am Air Lines 65 Stncks 332.71 I NEW YORK, N.

Y. (AP) Anl Br Pari Th tiniest geiger counters about Close Mon I 14 4 1 18' 2 171. 1 22'. 1.S9'. 1 62'4 1 59'.

1 47' 2 rnmiinn Am Cvart 48i 8' 30' 4 29' 4 70' i 62' 59 561. 81' I H1. 1 1 64 in 20J4 67 391 79' 1 69 the size of a paper clip split The stock market WIIHI Dec. I 59 Mar. 1 67'4 May 1 60 July 147' Oats Fdv 1 59 1 67 1 69'4 1.47'4 1 20J4 1.22' 1 1 59'4 1 67'.

1 60'' 1.47. 66', .68 4 .68 Am Am Motors Smeltina lenghwise-promises aid in hiSher Tucs' Produce Markets Iowa Produce Folowinq is Tuesday's report on low egci and pouilry markets as given bv th Federal State Market News Service: EGGS Prices unchanged to 1c higheri 23 a 25c Daid where all grades and sifes bouqht at one once, dealer sentiment steady; price per dozen paid producers at farms, cases exchanqed 24 hours end-inq 11 a eoas priced under buyer quality and volume incentive; A larae, 37 41c. A medium. 30" 35c; other A larqe. jl 36c, mostly 33 44c; A medium, 21" 29c, mostly 7J 24r; larqe.

I8n7c, mostly 23" 26c; C. dirties and checks, 12 17c. mostly smalls and peewees, 10' let mostly 1 1 15r LIVE POULTRY-Olterinos and trade uneven, mcrertsinq somewhat; price nor lb paid producers af larms for hoM tyoe 3 7c. mostly 5 "6c; old rooster' LIVE TURKEYS Market unsettled, trade moderate to l.oht. offeripqs fully ample lor often limited buyer interest; 19c paid for vounq toms for weiqhts ner lbs.

or under 27 ibs. reported 11, prices at farms to 11 a bid Tel Tel some leer treatment, two Columbia diiyr. profit-taking. Trading Dec Mar May Rye 8I'4 18'. 12 64 20', 67 39J4 77'.

69 39-'. 3.1 51 4 63 39'4 104'. 2I' 67'n 39'. 79'n 6S4 40'. 3j' 23' Am Tobacco Anaconda Lo Arnico Steel At -nour III 20' 67 39' 1 78'.

69 39-it 33 22'. 51 1 .68 1 72' 1 1 79't I 77' Dec Mar. I S9'. 16) 1.60'i 1.48 .66 '4 68 1 111. 1 78'.

1 3C 1 78'. 4' 2 so'. 2 54 2 57 2 2 55 1 1 79'. 1.29 33 23 51 6.lJn 39' 1 108' 4 4'4 Atch.son Rv Avco M(Q Beatrice FckIs Bindix Aviation Sleel Boeing Airplane 68 1 22' i I 27'B I 29'. 1 78' 2 45' 49 4 2 53' 7 SS' 2 S6'4 2 54 1 78''.

7 4" 2 49'. 3J" IP9 utnvui say sui geon.i ii'iuiii'u heivy Tuesday. Volume for the day was The instruments can be im- estimated at 8.6 million shares bedded in a cancer to gauge the compared with 8.21 million action of chemicals being em- Monday. ployed against the tumor. Shoring up Uie averages, Du The devices monitor what Pont, Kennecott and United May 1 July Soybeans Noy 7 4S' Jan 49' Mar 2 51'.

May 2 5SI4 July 2 5' Aug. 2 54 4'' 2 46 2 50' 7 54'. 7 56 2 57'. 2 54' boia Warner 4d Brunswick Bi Carrier Co'D '4 I Cater Trac 46'a 74' 19'a 464 2 56'. 2 54 77' i.

'saneake 8. Ohio 11 i Corn Easy, 72' 21 46 77'. 31 52'4 30-' 4 90 47'. 39' 29 4 45'. 4.4 Jl'i 53' jr.

90' 4fl Chi. R. I. 8, Pac. Chrysler Molor C.

I. T. Finan Cities Service Collins Radio Col. Br. Svs.

Columbia Gas 46 77' 31 30'4 90 47'a 38' 29'. 4S 4J1 32' i 52' 4 happens to radio-active phos-j Aircraft were up a point or so, phorus used as a "tracer" Eastman Kodak 3, Jersey material in a given cancer-1 standard a fraction. Beans Firm 30'. buyers takinq DOsession within 1 to 71 days, vn'inq hens. 27 22' rc, mostly yni'nq toms.

18" 19c. mostly fiyer roasters, 23c Chicago Produce CHICAGO. TUESDAY (AP) BUTTER Steady, wholesale buying prices unchanged. 93 score AA 62' 2C; 92 A 62' 2C; 90 6P2C; 89 lc; cars 90 62'4C; 8 62c EGGS-Steady to firm; wholesale jp buying prices unchanged; 70 per cent or better qrade A whites, 42c; mixed, 42c; tlle rnediums. 34c; standards, 34c; Familiar favorites dominated Consol.

Fdison fighting drug, the doctors told the American College of Sur- 32'. 3.1 a 53 4i' 37', 29's 45' 43'4 33 57 18J4 42' 1 5I'2 58' 4 73' 2 geons. CHICAC.O. ILL (API Prices were mostly firm grain futures Tuesdav on 52' 2 18'. 42.

51'. 59' 1 73'. 19 18 43'. 42 51'. 51 58 73'.

73: 242 '4 241 111' 2 110' trading. SCM up about 3, looked like a repeater as the most active stock. Up more than 2 were Fair-child Camera, TWA and Beck-man Instruments. Most major steels took frac Control Data Corn Products Curtiss A'nqht Deere 8. Co.

Disney Douglas Aire. Dow Chem. Du Pont Lastman Kodak Firestone Ford Mot Gen Dvmm General Electric General Foods General Motois 24P-4 241 Chicago Board of Trade with unquorea; cnecks, 25C. LIVE POULTRY-Wholesale buying prices unchanqed to 1c lower; roasters 23' "24c; special white rock fryers, 18' 2 19' few heavy hens, 18c. Rapid loss of phosphorus by a tumor is followed by improvement, while phosphorus retention is followed by prolonged tumor growth and a worsening condition, they said.

42' 2 42J4 60' 48'b 116' ower. good corn trading fractionally although underpinned by export demand. Wheat and soybeans higher in all contracts. tional losses. Big three motors let.

MKTS-ADD CHI PRODUCE TURN SLUG PotatoesArrivals 73 on track 168; total shipments 262; supplies moderate; demand slow; market dull; carlot track sales: Minnesota North were Goodric 111'-. 108 42i. 42'4 60 59' a 47 a 48 115J 84a 84' 4 108'. 109 48 48 6C 60' 48 47 1. 58' 4 58 4 48' 2 521 '4 520' 2 38'.

38'a 90' 2 90' 2 31 'a 30' 2 61' 2 61 tended to ease. Oils, however Goodyear Oil take Vtinina moved ahead generally. Texaco Clinton Man, Ex-Wife Slain (iains (f im tO 1 COnl 3 -D'sota Red Valley Round Reds, S3 15) vijiii.i im uli I mil rt DUMK I Wisconsin Round Reds, S2 50. Int. Bus A HOUSTON, TEX.

(AP Inter. Harvester Inter. Nickel Inter. Paper Inter. Tel Tel Intersl.

Pw Iowa El la. -III. E. Iowa Pow Lt? Johns-Manville Jones 8. Lauqhlin Kennecott rose nearly 2.

Profit-taking affected the rails. Pennsylvania dropped more than a point, Southern Railway a fraction. American Airlines pushed 32 35 40 in wtiea! came largely on the hopes lhat more government stocks of soft red wheat will be exported by the govcrnmeivt in 'Yugoslavia and United Arab Republic markets. The trade in soybeans was quiet, but there was steady short-covering and commer- cial demand. Sovbcan meal Kresge (S 1 (1, nrn hut itc H9.

Myers clllcdU I1H7IC uiail a pviim, mmi 1,0 Lockheed A Clinton, man and his former wife were shot and killed last Friday. Police theorized it was a case of murder and suicide but there has been no formal ruling. Bodies of William Lester Lucke, about 35, and Mrs. Theresa Marie Lucke. 35.

were Lorulard (P mixed. National New York Produce NEW YORK TUFSDAY (AP) (U S. Dept of Aqr i -EGGS Wholesale eqq offerings ample on large, light on balance, demand fair to good today; (wholesale selling prices based on exchanqe and other volume sales.) New York spot quotations lollow Standards 39 i 40c; checks, 2'i'ic. Whites- Lxtra fancy heavy weight (47 Ibs. mm) fancy medium (41 average), fancy heavy weight (47 Ibs.

43'? "'45c; medium 140 Ibs. average), (36 Ibs. average). 29 30' 2C. Browns -Extra fancy heavy weight (7 lbs mini.

fancy medium '4l Ibs. average), 37' 2" 39c; fancy heavy weight (47 Ibs. min 43' 2 44' 2c; smalls (36 Ibs average). 30' BUTTER Offerings slightly heavier, demand steady; wholesale prices on bulk cartons (Iresh); creamery, 93 score (AA) 92 score (A) 63' 2'" 63'4C. CHEESE Offerings tighter, demand good; wholesale sales American cheese (whole milk); single daisies fresh, croup was 52'e 68 118 73'a 83'.

55' 4 46 'a 235. 19'. I 35' 2 393. 82' 2 i 37' 2 24 31'b 54'a 67' 4 574 63' 4 49'. 594 i Airlines sank nearly 3 and KLM more than a point.

Zenith also lost more than a Marq Cem Martin Marietta Maytag MGM Monsanto Mont Ward Morrel! (John) Nat'l Distillers Nad. Steel Central Nor. Am. Aviation Nor Nat, Gas Northern Pacific Olin Math Pan-Am Airwu Korvette and General found in her brother's home by Pomt scored gains of $1.15 a ton in evening up before clnseout of October contract positions at noon Wednesday. Near noon, wheat was '4 to 1 Dynamics fractions.

IBM advanced more than 2 i their 9-year-old son, William, jr. 'Thev also leave three other 59'. 47. us' 2 83 108'4 47', 60'. 47s, 58 4 48' 2 521 38.

90' 2 30J4 6) 28s 32'. 34's 39i. 52'4 67'. 118'4 73'. 83 55' 46-s 23' 2 19S.

36 5 40 82' 37. 23J4 31 54' 2 65' 2 58 635 48' 1 58 3714 65'. 14 65' 1 54'a 80. 59'. 70'-4 47i a 42'a 46' 2 64 63 92V4 89i.

42H 16'b 755 9 77'. 46'b 79' 4 1834 323. 49' 2 83' 2 20' a 73' 27'a "O-s 28 40s a 95' 64J8 50 67s 15' 2 40' 57'a rhilHron Willie roiaroiu bams, nuui ty iov'b 48 'R 60-. 48 58' a 48'. 5.M 39 90'.

31'. 6t' 28'. 35'. 52'. 120 75'.

83'. 56' 4 46 '4 23'. 19- 34'. 41 82'. 38' 24 31 55 61 58'4 64 49 59' 4 a 66'.

14 4 66' 56' a 81-j 60 71' 48' a 43'b 47' 4 45's 64'4 63' a 93 90'. 43 76'. 773. 48'. 80' 19'4 33 50s.

84i4 20' 2 74', 283s 71 28'. 41'. 96' 2 65'a 50' 2 6fi'4 1" 4OJ4 58 4 Cenl a bushel hicllcr; Corn Was processed 'American pas Smelting Paramount Pid. Mrs. Lucke moved to Houston Xerox and U.

FLUSHED OUT BY YANKS A 10-year-old Vietnamese boy is offered water by a U. S. marine after the youngster was taken Monday from a hole where he was hiding in the Due Bo village complex. The boy told an interpreter that he was hiding because be was afraid of the helicopters coming into a landing zone nearby. The marines made a hut-to-hut search in which they captured 25 Viet Cong suspects.

wirephoto ap about a month ago to live with yielded around a point each, '4 Cent lower: (blocks: grade 50''2 54'2C grade 48' 52' 2C- grade 47' OWCr 10 Cent DRESSED POULTRY-New York. Phil- 4 1 adeiphia and Boston carlot and trurklnt tO 1 Cent Higher; turkey markets. S. grade ready-to U. S.

Bonds Up 32' 2 34'a 39. 57'. 67' 1I94 74'. 83' 56' 46 'a 234 19'4 36'. 40' 2 82' a 37' 2 23J.

31 '4 54 4 65' 2 58 a 64 48 "2 53'a 37' 2 66 14'4 66 54S BIJ. 593. 7M 47'a 42'a 46'a 45' a 64' a 63'. 93 90' 47'a 16'a 76 77' 2 49' 80'. 19 37'.

50'. 83' a 20' 4 73'. 28'. 70U 28' a 41 95' 4 65' 2 50 68 15'2 40' 4 58' a unchanged to oats 's cent 1 higher; rye '2 and soybeans cents higher. 1 coon, rrozen: iraaing conimues centered 4 10 on consumer weights and classes; offer were rrinium ppnnpy (J.c Pennsylvania Ry Pppsi-Cola Phillips Peol Procter Gamble Radio Corp Republic Steel Reyn Met Rev Tob Sears-Roebuck Sinclair Oil Skelly Oil Socony Mobil Southern Pacific NEW YORK, N.

Y. (AP) -U. S. Treasury bond prices advanced Tuesday. Corporate bond prices held mostly unchanged.

Yields on treasury bills moved a brother, Raymond J. Bruneau, 33. Lucke checked into a motel here last Tuesday. The Luckes were divorced two years ago. He was given custody of three of the children.

Police say she went to Clinton a month ago, picked up the children while he was at work Des Moines Grain 700 in Cells As 70 'Strike' carload prices less than Des Moines Monday New Appeal By Wilson iperrv nana 72. Receipts-Corn. 11 cars; soybeans. Dominican Gun Battles; Two Dead higher at Monday's offering with f8, Brand, ings of young hens adequate, fryer-roasters limited and held with confidence, young toms to 20 lbs. adequate to barely adequate and occasionally held up to 34c in New England areas and young toms over 20 Ibs.

ample; limited volume of canner toms, shell weight 21-23 moved at 32''4C. Sales reported Young hens. 8-16 lbs 35' 2C; young toms 14-20 $32' 2. 20 24 32c; fryer-roasters 4-8 38' its 39c. Offerings reported Young hens, 8-16 35' 2'36c; voung toms 14-20 32'2'S33c, 20 22 32'" 33c- 22-24 lbs, 2C, 7 4 24 2C.

26-28 Ibs 28-30 3i'3Ac 30 Ibs. and up 3838' 2C; fryer-roasters 4 8 Ibs. 38 2 (S 39c. 37s8 5'a 14'4 66 56' a 8034 59s8 71'4 47' a 43Ja 46' 2 44' 2 64 633a 92 "4 89' 425b 16se 763.B 77' 2 483 79, IS'b 373 49' 2 87'a 203, 743 28' 4 70' a 28'. 41 94'; 641 2 50 a 68 153.

40' 2 58 188' 2 116'4 BALTIMORE. MD. (AP)-Re-fusal of about 70 inmates to re- SAUSBLKY.KHODhS A sume shop wQrk of; and brought them to Houston. Wheat No. 1 farmers, si 35.

FEED PRICES Following are central Iowa feed prices in 100 lb. bags. Feed prices are subtect to wide variations in different sections of the state due to transportation, handling and storage costs. Linseed meal $4.80 "5.40. Pure 3.40.

Standard 3.30 Soybean 50 5.00. protein, $5.70 6 00 six-month bills reacning a n. year peak. iWEx Bids on $1 billion worth of Co" 182-day bills gave an average Tr yield of 4.214 per cent compared Ifon to 4.180 per cent last week. This USSSS Pacific xn.r, duumi JTimic iviiinsici tHm Butter Market FBI Says Reds 'More in Open' WASHINGTON, D.

C. (API- land Penitentiary Tuesday. Warden Franklin K. Brough said the recalcitrants "could sway the other prisoners into not working again" if thev all SAN'TO DOMINGO DOMI- Haro'd Wilson made a new ap-MCAN REPUBLIC (APJ-A Peal to Rhodesia's white govern-man was killed early Tuesday ment Monday night not to de-in another flurry of shooting clare independence, but Rhode-between Domimcan troops and sian Prime Minister Ian Smith rebel partisans in the heart of indicated the declaration is only Central Iowa Market was the highest yield since 1960. yndR5cerL'nP5 The averaae vield on $1.2 bil- upiotm ee cats.

Following is Tuesday's report on Inwa-Minnesota-Wisconsin dairy bulk but'Pr market as given bv the Federal State Market Service. Grade AA (93 score). 61'4'S63c, mostly 62'4C; grade A (92 scorel. eT.ffi 62' 'C. mostly 6lf4C; grade (90 score), 61 62c.

mostly 61' Country elevator bids on soybeans, in an area near I FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover lion worth of 91-dav bills was wlstem un'on" wesrinanouse were allowed to eo to the shoDs. said Tuesdav that the U. S. show the following Monday: Corn-No.

1 yellow shell, Soybeans No. 1 yellow, modified moisture, $2 25 "2. 32. Oats No. 1 white, 34 60 63c.

4.034 per cent compared to 4.006 wooiworth a matter ot time. Santo Dominco 189' 119', 187 117' 189 1171 This happened Monday although Communist Party moved ccnt a wcc ag0 Zenith Radio The firing quickly iinougn smiin saia nis cam- there was nQ vjoence and Jhe into the open in the past year in but bands of angry youths net nas not decided yet to make nrK(mprv rptrnpH their efforts to sain new influence. St. Louis Cambodia Area a unilateral declaration of inde ranged the downtown area. Convicts Free Four Hostages The party, he said, "pressed ST.

LOUIS, TUESDAY (API Cash grain: wheat, no cars, none sold. Corn, 31 cars, none sold. Oats, no cars, none sold. with renewed vigor in all areas on schedule. Brough said the prisoners ate breakfast Tuesday in shifts of Hit, Hanoi Says SAIGON, SOUTH VIET NAM (AP) Radio Hanoi Tuesday of its operations, giving special Metals U.

S. Treasury WASHINGTON, TUESDAY (AP)-The cash position of the treasury compared with corresponding date a year ago. Oct. 14, 1965 Oct. 14.

1964 Balance: 7,742,677,831,78 6,041,899,768 43 Deposits Fiscal Year (July 1): 32,844,531.556,85 30,203.936,437.11 Withdrawals Fiscil Year: 39,972,966,573.95 37.57S.060.508 6 Total Debt. $320,617,490,032.76 $315,979,521,550 14 Gold Assets: 13,857,707,426 86 15,443,096.381.13 Includes $2B1, 659,677.26 debt in 1965 fiqure not subject io statutory limit. pendence, he told newsmen: "As soon as I feel disposed to make the announcement, I will make it you people can put two and two together President Hector Garcia-Godoy cancele dan order sending additional troops into the city in a weapons recovery operation. JACKSON, MICH. (API-Four Negro prison inmates, two about 50 instead of the normal attention to slashing attacks on several hnndrpd at a timp American foreign policy, the NEW YORK, TUESDAY (API Soot nonferrous metal prices today: Copper C6c a Connecticut Valley.

Lead 16c lb New York. Zinc 14' ac a East 1 I I nuis Tin Si. 89 a New York. The warden said the inmates infiltration of he civil rights; or Vietnamese fi hter and youth recruit-; panes and a bomb. n-puiicuiy LldiL-u uy lldl LUULS i Foreign Silver $1,293 oer troy New i York.

Quicksilver $630.00 Der flask, New ana all brandishing knives, held: York scrao steei no i neaw at $31 .00 and get the answer, four." He also ordered a cutback inj were interviewed individually, movement the number of tanks that swept! The purpose of a declaration of Monday night and asked if thevi ment." into the former rebel sector; independence would be to pre-lWouid end their work sitdown Hoover's acrnmnan 1 er last Friday attacked a Cam- four hostages for several hours lion of the village and kilIed seveniMonday while they complained Ainnrlaxr nirjlnt in rWomo carua minnritv uflito rltlp in -1 i inA American Stocks iv WS.UI.; uiuuiQ mien auuui iu per cent reiuseo. 1 lcu jjuuih-qliuh n.c TP 4 M.nnii 1 i 41 LIVlIldllS to a reporter about discrimina- i-uiueas auu uiuicli uuus jot uisii uuiuiry wnei incgiuca ne Saia it was ripe rlprl in toon annual reuuri ior ute iduiai, t.n iff 4-i t.i.. 11 wdi uie acuiuu uiuc 111 mv guarding the tense dock area. outnumber whites 16 to 1. Britain them all locked up.

year that ended July 30. days that Radio Hanoi claimed! tion- The FBI said the Soviet Union ":00 The inmates seized a that planes from South Viet; "continued its espionage ana Aurora PJast in in iam iidu inuuucu imcr nci6n- 0i urUKS ine nosnital at Barnes En9 Neal Murder Trial Opens Ucairl PYi 1 Braz Tr Sdtu 1 1-1 Brown boring Cambodia. intelligence-gathering assaults against the United States." i Gen Plywood 347b Genisco Tech 32' 2 Gulton Ind 23''z Kaweclri Chem Kirbv Pete 138 La Land 40' Massey Ferq 17 Mead Johnson 77b Molybdenum 8'a Natl Bellas 5 Pyle Natl 8' 2iRepub Ind 11 i Reliance ins ''4 Scurry Rnbow 8 Sbd World Air it, Signal Oil A 21 ,4 Syntex 36 '4 Technicolor 508 uniy Controls 51 7 West Equities 60' Williamhouse ine ioriress ovenooKS me aemanas mat ine nnouesian river and harbor facilities. Five whites agree to constitutional of the 10 tanks in the fortress amendments providing for ma-were removed but a full bat-' jority rule eventually, talion, about 400 battle-ready i Wilson made his new appeal troops, remained. after Smith rejected a proposal 29' 1 16'4 lit 138 19'i t't 18 8 11'4 iiii-iugaii i noun aiiui rreole Pete I Data Control Falcon Sbd I Felmont Oil then barricaded themselves in a corridor in the surgical suite on the hospital's fifth and top floor.

Gen Devel $35,000 Taken From Guard day's attack took place in Svay Rieng Province. In addition to the seven killed, six persons were injured, the broadcast said. The radio charged earlier that two U. S. and South Vietnamese Mai.

Humberto Triullo, the that a commonwealth missiorr INDIO, CALIF. (AP)-Thei prosecution was to open its first-! degree murder case Tuesday I against former actor Tom Neal.j A jury of 10 women and two; battalion commander, said mediate the conflict The four inmates, assured that their complaints would be investigated, finally released the OAKLAND. CALIF. (AP) helicopters intruded over Cam- fers mttudea over men was impaneled Monday. tM 'tarn-, New Post LONDON, ENGLAND (AP)-Antal Dorati, chief conductor of the British Broadcasting Corp.

Symphony Orchestra since 1963, has accepted an invitation to become chief conductor of the Stockholm Philharmonic. 4 Boys Admit Racial Killing snipers operating from nearby roof-tops opened up on his forces and he gave orders to fire back. One man was killed and two wounded. eai, ai. is accused of shoot- iU juuuidn (t-inimj uu.

Officials identified thP TnpsHav in an nrpa uWp thrpp 17 A cA JnlcidlS IQenuiiea ine IIIK niS Wlie. Uail. 29. ast Anr cnS jiuuhlc onu u.u "usi in- 20; 24, IJ rionrtitc ohnl nilrcl. inn riAlo.

cnoalrnrc tr, toll villoopro in flpp i "1ucs d5 ItlOlIldb, ICNnYVTT.I.F TF1NN. AP) ilcl uuuy -ouna me fuiivv nfi All.m. 97. h.JM The battalion moved into the II L11C nni.nhl 4.,, .4 4 U.IU.1 i lie in nnmo in 1 guar rnnninir an armnrpn or oe otnerwise caugnt in an attack to be launched this fortress Monday after a clash uce say tour iegro ooys nave Q- Zl nf a u.nrlrorc tminn Thrpo admitted Stabbing a White man 1,1 Ldl SUdlU OI 1 1 rr: i w-i ri li Kit Qtrtnn 01 1 hir 1 1 1 oc UVL.U 1SA k7 U111U1I. A 411 and Edward Whitehead, 27.

Shaw and whitehead are serving life terms for murder. At one point, a prison official who t'llL'rtl in ttli A nmr dock workers were wounded to death after watching a white oncers saia. raui n. hacnelor, ine i bov slash a Negro boy in a ISeal- a film star of the 1940's guard- told Police was robbed aKainst Cambodia. 6 has been in iail since his bv a tall eunman on the second Communist China, meanwhile, PLANNING TO INVEST? An investment in stacks and bonds is a serious matter, regardless of the amount of money that may be involved.

Naturally, you will want to give the subject careful thought, and perhaps we can offer a slant that has not occurred to you. There is no charge or obligation, of course. QUAIL INC. Members New York Stock Exchange Davenport Bank Bldg. Davenport, Iowa Other Offices Located in: Waterloo Dubuque Ottumwa Muscatine Sac City Pellet 4 41 tt: 41.

-t i ii'Qrnorl that if provocations 18 Public Utility Stocks FREE ne list of issues recommended for above-average return-all yielding OVE 4o at current prices. Write or call. tu iiiuiLiiiit-iii tuv. a. screen noor 01 me sears noeDUCK Girl, 7, Slain; Indict Father aim uinieiieau were iioppeu oc1111 iaviu 1 ai 1111.1 an nmKnJIn r.

rt 4 juiti! uaviu rctunci, oj, 011 ii career faded after a nodv fist store, ann nannnttttpn in a sia oanui i and handcuffed to a stair against unempioveu iduuiei, wdb iuuiiu f. rhinPSP npnnlp rprtainlv Fran- railing. rran- rainim. r-r at1 A fnsilariP of 11 hullpfs will not stand idly bv. PAI TF (AP-Haude dead in an alley Saturday night.

a Rav LifwTftn be Detective Lester Colquitt said ch.ot Tone- al later worked Ray jr 37, of Napa was to be I a landscape contractor. actor ngiii. 111 ioji vmiii cictur up" on drugs. One of the hostages, Dr. W.

R. Latchaw, 62, was released after about four hours. Prison Inspector Joseph Dembosky, 58, through his windshield stopped ''-'7 Neal was arrested in Palm Patrolman Roy Zahn, 44. He Swiss Foreign Minister to Resign and guards Ron Thompson 22, County Superior Court in the Springs a few hours after his! suffered a bullet wound in his slaying of his daughter Renay a in. boviwife's bot)y was found- Officers right shoulder.

7 Th frrand mrv rptumeH a AIler seeing uie wnne uoy 1 on uit. 7. The grand jury returned a BERN, SWITZERLAND (AP) and George Hutchins, 47, were Mtmbers New York Stock Exchanqt Sixth Grand Avenues Dei Moines Phone CH 4-9113 freed two hours later. 0U4V4 4iv iiuo 1 tiuscu icr iiiartc a ouuic 4.1 uiULi3 awdv (Juiii-c and the Negro boy fight Satur-' I 01 "ieuncn Foreign Minister Fnednch hnmipiriP indictmpnt Monriav I vowed to "cut icgdiumg ms wires iounu me auanuoneu escape xraugott Wanien said Tuesday Renay and her sister, death. The weapon has never; car, two revolvers and a sawed-he will resien from the eovern- it they car, iwo revolvers am weapon.

nette. 9. saDDeared Oct. 4. UK 111 Sl nmic hPpn fn.mH nff ntnmtir.

4-4 off automatic ment at the end of the vear Renay 's body was found washed 'saw. They came upon Farmer, This advertisem*nt is neither an offer to sell nor solicitation of offers ta bmy any of these notes. The offering is made only by the Prospectus. because of health. Wahlen, 66, a former director of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, has Over-the-Counter Stocks INVEST YOUR AVAILABLE FUNDS IN 51 The following bid and askfd quotations supplied by the National Aossociation of been a member of the federal securities Dealers, are not actual transactions but are representative as eof council, the country's seven- oeaier prices at which these securities could have been purchased asked up on a Pacific Ocean Beach KnocKea nun uown aim one ui at Point Arena.

The search for the boys slashed him several Jeannette has been expandedtimes across the face with a inland from the coast near Point straight razor. Arena. Colquitt identified the Negroes Rav, estranged from his wife, as Leon Dickerson, Melvin said "he took the girls to school Lockett, Eugene Cunningham, the morning they disappeared, all 15, and William Stacy, School officials say they never 12. The detective said they arrived. Napa and Point Arena would be charged with mur-are about 100 miles apart.

der. duproximaieiv or solo (bid). Prices do not include retail markup, mark-; nnvornmcnt cinr-o 10AP. down, or commission except in the case of the DES MOINES Local List, where man government, since 1300 the esked prices have been adjusted upward to include the approximate markup. I 7'i 8 CARTHAGE COLLEGE Kenosha, Wisconsin 18'.

19H Released SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA DES MOINES National List NEW YORK National List Diam Cry 13'i Dictaoho 2234 23' 2lMathesn Diversa 9' 2 10' 4 Medtronic Dolly Mad 3934 PL Dow Jones 50'4 51' 4 Mpls Gas Dravo Co 45 454 Miss ValB 18' 181 30 A. 1 (AP)-Vice Adm. Paul P. commander of 20' 4 2034 1 Blackburn, Dun Brad 3' 34' Mohawk Dunham 4's Nat secRe Tuesdav Prices Bid Asked Bourns Inc 12H 12'8 Daffin 18 1834 44 1 P. m.

Monday Prices writhe U. S. 7th DIRECT OBLIGATION SERIAL NOTES Nates art to be dated October 5 and ill be in denominations of tiOO, tlOOO, $3000, $10,000 and are available as Fully Registered Soles multiples of $1000. Fleet, has been Seoul Military lJ4 24' IV, released from 3Bi Hospital. Hospitalized Oct.

6 Econ Lab Electrolx Elox EmpS Oil Enis Bus FedN Mto FstBos Cp Fisher Gv Futterm A 38'2 39'2 Niels A 634 7 Nuclr Ch M'-'a 137s otter TP 18' 2 18'a. lau ib'b Pabsf Br 'Vs Pocket Bk I 1 Si 2 Potash A Pubco Pet 41 45 "p3d 1 8 Dial Fin 27. 283-. Aerovox Hubdinaer 71 23 Am la Beef 48' i 4v' i Arn erit Kirsch I7J4 18'4 Were nw 29' 2 30U AmSt Gob Super Val 33 3334 AmStG pf Thermooa 137s A 10 10' 7P 74' 7 ll1. 12 71 2 8 13' 2 14' 24' 4 25 5 5', 59' 4 60 Unit Buck 8sa 9 Amrel Anneuser Arden witn what was oescriDea as a respiratory illness, he left Monday for the U.

S. Naval Hospital at Yokosuka, Japan, for an undetermined period of 23J 23J4 p.en Wat Arden ptDf 58 59 Rockower 3., Rockwell i 'iH "ovDut 131 133 RU5. stov DES MOINES Local List Globe Rub Grinnell Art Metal 18 1834 Arvida 7s 7' 7 Maturity titiwit Ctwpot Apr. 1, 1967 to Oct 1, 1971 260.000 5 Apr. 1,1972 to Oct 1.1977 411,000 5T5 Jan.

1,1978 to Oct. 1,1981 347.000 yA Jm. 1, 1982 to Oct 1, 1985 732,000 53t 4J4 5 13H 14 37 39 7' a 7' 2 33' 2 34 71 '2 72' 2 39' 4 40 24's 29' 4 29J, 6 6'4 20' 4 20iB 31'4 3P4 13'4 13-4 36s 13'a 4 Ham Cose 12'i 12'. RustC Cd 19'i ScripDS 46' 4 47 ScriDto A T7'a 18' 4 Sexton 46a 47' 8 Simp Mfg 11'4 12'4 Sorg Pap 13'4 14 SoUn Gas Aztec oil ltr 4 18 A. Baird At 4'4 5 Tuesdav Prices Barton Dist 8 Bavless 'b 93 rb (paM 2 9s Behlen Mf 10 rr cJ i-A Bemis Oia Lab9 165, Benefic 364 37' yia Lao i6a is Ham Mfg Hanna Hoover A Houst NG Houst OF Hud Bav Hugot Gas 9' 4 95a bw Invest IntBk Wash 334 4 Soraoue An: i 4 ill Billuos 75.

7'. PRICE: 100 and Accrued Interest lnt Mill 2i4 bta Koors Black His 4P4 42U 35' 2 36' 2 33 34' 2 21'4 218 273. 27-, 46 46J4 Md t-ruit ll'j 12 Std Reoist it vl Bowater tH f-. Inv DivA Ionics Inc la PubSv la SoUtil h.arrti mi 3J4 4'3BrushBer. 8 2 B's 29'i Stanley la Bus inv 2' 2 3' 4 Burns '8 38 1V'4 20' 32 32' 4 Matein A 33'i 34'4 Swank Inc 44 This issue of Notes $1,750,000 Life I la 12'.

14 Cabot Cd Corp Life Sec la 3 3s Cas Gal 1634 17' Jergens Nat Bv Pr 2 2 23'2 CEIR 133 135 JessOD St Nat Oats 28' 4 CenllING 31 3l3a Kaiser St Classroom and Administration Building 22J4 23' 2 5zat Food 8-a 8J4 14'4 148 Tampax 119' a 121 32a TapDan 32 56 59 Trans Gas 24'. 24J. 15 153a Ultron Svs 10'. 10'2 26' 26H US Envel 141. 147, 46' 4 464 Kaivar semi-annnal 463-4 47' 12' 2 13 vanity mazaretn a ten lei Norwst 30' 2 34 Christ SteeD In 6'4 6'a Citil UtA Vernon Co 15'4 16J4 Citiz UtB Ynkr Br 33 Tel Conn LP Insurance Cook Elec Circle Key 4' 4 5 Cowles 243 247 Fib 36'4 Keyst Cus 36' 36.

Kevst PC 32 33 LeFebure 41 41 1, Lilly 9' '2 10 London Mt 19' 4 19H Lone SSt 8 Waddell 83' 2 84' 2 Walth Wat 37'4 3734 Wellinq 20' 4 2034 West Mas 7 7'4 Wise PL 2 0 20' 2 Wurlitz 42' 2 43' 2 11 12 39'. 4CH 40'. 41H 2334 24'. 25' 2 26 DIVIDEND 12 a share from net investment income. Reo Inv 2'i 2H Cross Co 2 4 28 wacDon Lite I I A 19 24 a Daniv Mch 2Ft 26' i Maaic Ch Copies of Prospectus may be obtained from the undersigned, only in states in uhich the Underwriter a qualified to act as a dealer in securities, and in uhich the Prospectus may legally be distributed.

B. C. ZIEGLER AND COMPANY Michael B. Walsh, Res. Mgr.

1003 American Trusi Dubuque Phone 588-1342 Home Office: Security Building VTest Bend, Tisconsin CUP COUPON HIKE B. ZIEGLFR AND COMPANY (miil to one of aboe addresses) I im interested in the new Notes of Carthage College, Kenosha, isconsin. Please end me copy of the Prospectnt. Insurance NEW YORK Bank Trust Home Ins NY Jeff Std Life Kv Cen Lf Life Cas Tenn I if4 Ins ITu I m. Monday Prices Aetna Life 58J4 59' 1 p.

m. Monday Prices All Am 5fF- 97 a share ion from net capital gains. 57'4 575. Am Gen Ins 5S 160' 2 Am Re-Ins 41 665, 67'. Benef Std 16'4 Lincoln Nat 1 Loyal Am Life '3 Monarch Lf Nat Old Line Wat I In Bk of NY Bankers Tr ChemBk NY Tr Cont III Chi 57'2 58 Bus Men's Assur 42 42' 2 Coastal Sta 42 42 7 Northw Nat 40' 2 64' 4 45 14' 2 31 31 91 8' 2 51 1534 363.

48' 2 19' 4 29 2 39'2 52 20' 2 66' 4 8 a 53 4 38 41 51'i Crocker CitiZ Empire Tr Fst Nat Bos 63'4 63 2 14 30' 1 30 90 8 50 IS' 4 36 47' 2 18' 2 281 38 51 20 65 4 7'4 52 4 40 4 50' 2 1JH 13i'2 18 Occidental Lf 100 101 Pac Indem I hare to inTest, Prefer Notes that run about years. Wirepnote (AP) IOWAN ELECTED Dr. Lewis E. January, professor of internal medicine in the University of Iowa College of Medicine, Tuesday was named president-elect of the American Heart Association at the group's annual convention in Miami, Fla. He will become president in October.

1966. Pictured with him is Dr. Helen B. Taussig, professor-emeritus of pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, who was installed as the association's president She is the first woman to hold the offfice. 45'2 Lire Dhoenix J3.

15' 314 6334 61' 59' 4 31' 2 40 46 42' a Comb Ins 317 Conn Gen Cont Assur 61 34 Contin Cas 5934 Fid Bkrs Lite 32 Fid J. Deo 403. Firem Fd SP 48 Franklin Life 52'ia Gen Reinsur 30 Glens Falls 41' 41 More than 30,000 owners of Windsor Fund will share in this dividend and distribution, payable November 1 8, 1 965 to stock of record October 26, 196.5. Reserve Ins it Paul eabd Life 32'a 333 Fst Nat Chi Fst Nat City Frank Nat Irving Tr Kings Cty Tr Vanuf Han Veadbr Nat NY Moraan Guar Seclst BkLA Name Address City 293.4 Swn Life Ins Travelers Unit Ins Am 38 38 170 176 42'4 43 10 4 10V 40 40' 105'. 105s.

Greatamerica 49 2 50 Gulf Lite ln Fid venae An Life US Trust NY 83 i4'aj Hanover Mi 42 4 42 went Faroe wi 41 inm Fire 1H 62'. v. watt Km Lrte.

Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.