Blackboard Learn (2025)

Step 1

Download and install any authenticator app (e.g. Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator or Authy) on your phone.

Step 2

Open the authenticator app and scan the image below using your phone's camera or copy the key.

Open the authenticator app and copy the key below.


Copy key


Key copied Blackboard Learn (1)

Step 3

Press next to enter the code and associate it with your account

Type the 6-digit temporary code generated with your authenticator application

You are all set

You have enabled multi-factor authentication using your authenticator app.

We will now ask for a login code anytime you log in.

We will now ask for a login code anytime you log in on a device we don't recognise.

Blackboard Learn (2025)


Can Blackboard tests detect cheating? ›

Beyond SafeAssign, Blackboard also tracks student performance across a variety of metrics. Sudden changes in performance (be they for better or worse) can indicate cheating.

How to know if a blackboard exam is proctored? ›

Students and instructors can see that it's a proctored assessment by the assessment title. If you're using a timed assessment, the timer doesn't start for the assessment until the settings for the proctored services have been confirmed.

What can teachers see on blackboard quizzes? ›

As an instructor, you can see when your students opened, started, and submitted tests and assignments with the Student Activity report. In general, this feature looks and functions the same whether you're working in an Original or Ultra course.

Can Blackboard see your camera? ›

Proctorio is a remote proctoring service that is used with some classes when you take quizzes and exams in Blackboard. Proctorio may record your webcam, your screen, or other actions during the exam session and share that information with your instructor.

Do Blackboard exams record your screen? ›

At the time of the exam, the student will access the exam from the Blackboard course to connect to ProctorU. The student's audio/video and computer screen will be recorded throughout the duration of the exam. The session recording is then reviewed by a proctor from ProctorU.

Does Blackboard tell teachers if you switch tabs? ›

the good news is that teachers actually don't have access to see if students are . tab switching during the exams. the bad news though is that all of this information is still track through blackboard. the only way for them to access it is through their administration.

How do professors know if you cheat on an online test? ›

Online tests are increasingly equipped to detect screen sharing or the use of secondary devices. Advanced monitoring software can detect unusual activities, such as running screen-sharing programs or having multiple displays active, which could be indicative of cheating.

Can Blackboard tell if you copy text? ›

Can Blackboard Detect Copy and Paste? The answer is yes. Safeassign is the tool in the blackboard that checks your work to detect if it is similar to other people's work. If safeassign finds a match, it raises a flag for plagiarism, detects where you copied the work from, and highlights a particular original source.

Can proctored exams detect phones? ›

So, while it doesn't "detect" the phone per se, it can record the act of looking or interacting with it. Audio Monitoring: Some people think about how to cheat on a proctored exam by playing pre-recorded information on their phone. But, if played out loud, the software can detect unusual sounds.

Do proctored exams see your screen? ›

Proctors have the ability to view the screen and utilize the mouse and keyboard as if they were sitting next to you. Once the exam starts, your proctor will monitor everything on the computer screen, but can no longer utilize the your mouse and keyboard.

Can they see you on a proctored exam? ›

A human invigilator may observe the candidates' activity via webcam and screen share. Alternatively, all computer activity, webcam video, and audio may be checked via software. If proctoring record and review has been used, the exam recordings will be reviewed by the service provider after it has finished.

How can students see test answers on Blackboard? ›

On the View Attempts page, select the grade link in the Calculated Grade column to access the test, your answers, and any instructor feedback.

Can Blackboard see how long you spend on a question? ›

The Test Information Access Log displays the following information: Date and time. Access type; test start time and individual question. Test time how long it took per question.

Does Blackboard automatically check for AI? ›

Overview of Blackboard's AI detection capabilities

Blackboard uses Turnitin's engine, which keeps getting better at spotting AI-written work. It can also use tools like Copyleaks, with a 98% success rate in detecting AI content. SafeAssign is another tool Blackboard has for checking originality.

How do I see survey answers on Blackboard? ›

You can also use attempts statistics to view survey results.
  1. From the Grade Center, navigate to a test or survey's column.
  2. Access the column's menu and select Attempts Statistics. The results display on the Statistics page.

How do I show answers in random order on Blackboard? ›

Randomize the order of answers

In Settings, select Randomize answers to show Multiple Answer and Multiple Choice answer options to students in a random order. Answers appear in order as you create the test.

How to view test results on Blackboard? ›

To access feedback and grade information, select the test in the content area or My Grades. On the View Attempts page, select the grade link in the Calculated Grade column to access the test, your answers, and any instructor feedback.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.